Utica University fully affirms the principle of academic freedom and endorses the American Association of University Professors Statement on the Academic Freedom of Students. The preamble of that statement is quoted below.
“Free inquiry and free expression are essential attributes of the community of scholars. As members of that community, students should be encouraged to develop the capacity for critical judgment and to engage in a sustained and independent search for truth. The freedom to learn depends on appropriate opportunities and conditions in the classroom, on the campus, and in the larger community. The responsibility to secure and to respect general conditions conducive to the freedom to learn is shared by all members of the academic community. Students should endeavor to exercise their freedom with maturity and responsibility.”
The regulations published in this catalog and the Student Handbook have been established and endorsed by the representative governing bodies that establish the academic and behavioral standards expected of all members of the Utica University community.
Students are held responsible for abiding by all regulations outlined in the catalog and the Student Handbook. While they may seek the advice of a counselor, final responsibility for any decision reached or action taken is theirs.
Instructors establish the attendance requirements for each of the courses they teach. Instructor expectations regarding absences (for any reason) and parameters for making up late or missed work may differ and are usually outlined in the syllabus for each class. If a student incurs excessive absences in a course, his or her grade may be lowered or he or she may receive an F for the course. Only the instructor can excuse a student from class.
In the event that a student has been/will be absent from class due to illness, injury, or family emergency, students are responsible for notifying their instructors and for consulting with each of them to explore whether and how they may be able to make up the missed work. Courtesy absence notices may be sent to instructors from the Office of Student Affairs if the student has been or will be absent for three or more consecutive class days due to an illness, injury, or family emergency, if the office is notified of this by the student, their parent or guardian, a Utica University professional staff member, or a healthcare professional (with the student’s consent). Similarly, with the student’s consent, the Student Health Center may verify to an instructor that the student was seen on a specific date for medical reasons. Absence notifications from these offices are not intended to be and do not constitute an official excuse for missing class.
Although religious holidays are not reflected in the academic calendar, Utica University does recognize the right of each student to observe religious holidays and other religious commitments. If a student wishes to observe religious commitments that will conflict with class times or other class-related activities, it is the student’s responsibility to notify faculty members well in advance in order to work with faculty members to find an accommodation that satisfies both the learning goals of the class and the religious commitment of the student.
Academic appeals are petitions by students to change a decision rendered about an academic matter. For information on how to file an academic appeal see the Academic Appeals page on the College’s website.
Acceleration of Study
Students may accelerate the completion of their programs of study by taking courses during Utica University’s Summer Session or by taking extra courses during the academic year with the approval of the dean of the school in which they are majoring. In some cases, the approval of the provost and vice president for academic affairs may also be necessary. See “Special Admission Programs ” in the “Admission to Utica University” section of this catalog for other opportunities.
Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate
Utica University awards college credit to students who have participated in the Advanced Placement program (AP) and the International Baccalaureate program (IB) and taken the AP and IB exams. Students who have taken AP or IB exams in high school must request that their official test scores be sent directly from the College Board or the International Baccalaureate Organization to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, even if the exams or coursework are reflected on prior high school or college transcripts. Please see the AP and IB sections on the Utica University Transfer Admissions website for further information regarding course equivalencies and corresponding scores needed for transfer credit eligibility.
AP and IB equivalencies will be reviewed periodically and are subject to change. Students will receive the equivalency that is in effect at Utica University at the time of their matriculation. Credit awarded will not affect a student’s grade point average at Utica University. The total number of credits transferred may affect a student’s eligibility for Graduation Honors. Please see the section on Graduation Honors for information about residency requirements.
International Baccalaureate (IB) Equivalencies
Advanced Placement Equivalencies
Limits: Policies governing the evaluation of transfer credit will apply.
Subject Examinations of the College-Level Examination Board
Time: |
Before or during attendance at Utica University. |
Place: |
As designated by the College Level Examination Program, Box 977, Princeton, NJ 08540. Ask that scores be sent to the Office of Admissions or the Office of the Registrar, Utica University, 1600 Burrstone Road, Utica, NY 13502-4892. |
Credit: |
Maximum of six semester hours for each examination, the credit not to exceed that assigned to an equivalent course offered at Utica University. The minimum score is the mean score achieved by C students in the national norms sample. |
Cost: |
Only the fee paid to the College Entrance Examination Board. |
Approvals: |
Matriculated students need the approval of their advisor, the school dean, and the registrar, by completing a Permission to Study Form. |
Dual Enrollment or Bridge Coursework
College credits may be earned through Dual Enrollment or Bridge courses completed while in high school. Students should have an official transcript sent from the credit-granting institution sent directly to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, even if the coursework is reflected on their high school transcript.
Limits: |
Procedures governing the evaluation of transfer credit will apply |
College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)
CLEP provides a mechanism for students to meet the requirements of a class through examination. Utica University recognizes students’ prior learning by accepting the CLEP tests indicated in the CLEP equivalencies chart posted on the Utica University Transfer Admissions website. CLEP equivalencies will be reviewed periodically and are subject to change. Scores must be at or above the 50th percentile.
Students planning to take CLEP tests while at Utica University are urged to do so no later than the semester before they expect to graduate. Matriculated students must obtain approval from their advisor, school dean and the registrar through a Permission to Study form and (if applicable) a Residency Waiver. Permission will not be given to repeat a CLEP exam. |
Limits: |
A maximum of 15 CLEP credits will be accepted. |
College Proficiency Examinations
Time: |
Before or during work at Utica University. |
Place: |
As directed by the agency administering the exams. |
Credit: |
Up to six semester hours for each examination, the credit not to exceed the amount assigned to an equivalent course at Utica University. The minimum acceptable grade is P, C, or 50, depending on how the grade is reported. |
Cost: |
Only the fee paid to the agency administering the exams. |
Approvals: |
Matriculated students must complete a Permission to Study Form with approvals from their advisor, the school dean, and the registrar. |
Credit from Noncollegiate Institutions
Time: |
Before or during work at Utica University. |
Place: |
Any noncollegiate organization listed in College Credit Recommendations published by the University of the State of New York. |
Credit: |
Variable, based on the recommendation in the College Credit Recommendations. |
Cost: |
None. |
Limits: |
Procedures governing the evaluation of transfer credit will apply. |
The United States Armed Forces’ Institute (USAFI) or Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Educational Support (DANTES) Examinations
Time: |
After completion of USAFI Subject Standardized Tests, End-of-Course Tests, and Subject Examinations or completion of DANTES Subject Standardized Tests and before admission to Utica University. |
Place: |
The Utica University Office of Admissions, to which the appropriate USAFI or DANTES records should be submitted. |
Credit: |
Variable, based on the USAFI or DANTES catalog. Minimum scores required are 20 for Subject Standardized Tests and S for End-of-Course Tests or Subject Examinations. |
Military Service School Credit
Time: |
After finishing military service training courses and before entering Utica University. |
Place: |
The Utica University Office of Admissions, to which the records of the student’s training course should be submitted. |
Credit: |
Variable, to be based on A Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services, Commission on Accreditation of Service Experiences, the American Council on Education. |
Cost: |
None. |
Limits: |
Procedures governing the evaluation of transfer credit will apply. |
Credit Earned through Correspondence Courses
Time: |
Any time before graduation from Utica University. |
Place: |
Any accredited institution or any institution that is a recognized candidate for accreditation that offers correspondence courses. |
Cost: |
Only the fee to the institution offering the correspondence courses. |
Limits: |
Procedures governing the evaluation of transfer credit will apply. |
Veterans’ Credit for Physical Education
Time: |
After matriculation at Utica University. |
Credit: |
Three hours in place of, and not in addition to, the three credit hours of physical education that may be earned through courses at Utica University. |
Cost: |
None. |
Approvals: |
Those of the advisor and the school dean. |
Each semester, on-ground students meet with their academic advisor to obtain their registration PIN. Online and hybrid students receive their registration PIN from their Success Coach or academic advisor.
Athletic Eligibility
Eligibility for the intercollegiate competition is governed by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), the Eastern College Athletic Conference (ECAC), the Collegiate Water Polo Association (CWPA), United Collegiate Hockey Conference (UCHC), and the Empire 8 Conference. A student must be full-time matriculated (minimum 12 credit hours per semester) and must be making satisfactory progress toward a baccalaureate degree.
The student-athlete also must meet the following minimum standards for cumulative grade point average (GPA) in order to maintain athletic eligibility for intercollegiate competition. This applies to students matriculating as freshmen or as transfer students.
Varsity athletics at Utica University is an activity open to full-time, on-ground, undergraduate students and to full-time, online and on-ground, graduate students.
Cumulative GPA |
End of 1st semester |
1.70 |
End of 2nd semester |
1.85 |
End of 3rd semester |
1.90 |
End of 4th semester and succeeding semesters |
2.00 |
In conjunction with the Provost’s office, the Athletic Department administration reserves the right to suspend a student-athlete indefinitely from competition and/or practice, if it is learned that the student-athlete is struggling in one or more of the following areas including but not limited to: attending class and progressing in class in a reasonably acceptable manner, handing in and achieving passing grades in major assignments, having appropriate classroom behavior, and achieving a passing grade in class.
A full-time matriculated student in good standing may, with the permission of the instructor, attend a course as an auditor, without charge. Registration is required.
Part-time or non-matriculated students who wish to audit a course may do so, with the permission of the instructor, provided they register for the course and pay the tuition charge.
An auditor receives a grade of AU and does not participate in course examinations or other work except at the option of the instructor. A student may change from audit to credit status no later than the second week of classes.
Students can compute their grade point average for each semester by dividing the number of quality points they receive by the number of passed hours of course work (credit hours received for P grades do not count for the purposes of G.P.A. calculations). Their cumulative grade point average can be computed by dividing the total of all quality points they have been awarded by the total number of passed hours (credit hours received for P grades or certain other grades described in the section on “Repeating a Course” do not count for the purposes of G.P.A. calculations).
Awarding a Posthumous Degree
A family member of a deceased student or other interested parties may make a request to the Office of the President for a posthumous degree.
To be eligible, an undergraduate student must have been enrolled at the time of death, in good academic standing, and have earned a minimum of 105 credits. A graduate student must have been enrolled at the time of death, in good academic standing, and have satisfactorily completed a minimum of 75% of the coursework towards a graduate degree.
Under special circumstances, the President may grant the awarding of a posthumous degree for an undergraduate student who has completed fewer than 105 credits or a graduate student who has completed less than 75% of the degree coursework.
Certificate Programs
From the point of view of the New York State Education Department (NYSED) an undergraduate certificate is a degree and students must therefore be matriculated into a certificate program in order to be awarded the certificate.
Students may matriculate solely into a certificate program or they may matriculate into both a bachelor’s degree program and a certificate program at the same time.
Students may also matriculate into a certificate program and then transfer those courses into a bachelor’s degree program.
Students pursuing a bachelor’s degree may also pursue the courses necessary for a certificate program while not matriculating into it (similar to taking the courses required for a minor.) However, these courses will not be eligible for aid unless either (a) the course is also a required course for the student’s bachelor’s degree, or (b) the courses comprise the college-electives that make up the necessary credits required to graduate from the bachelor’s degree program (usually 120.)
Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP)
The Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program is a New York state-funded project designed to assist historically underrepresented minority and/or economically disadvantaged students in completing pre-professional or professional education programs of study that lead to licensure. CSTEP provides academic support services, counseling, and advisement for eligible students who have an interest in careers in scientific, technical, and health-related fields. Students are encouraged to participate in the five-week pre-freshman Summer Institute (see HEOP).
For additional information, contact the Office of Opportunity Programs or the Office of Admissions. CSTEP is available to students in on-ground programs.
Conduct withdrawal occurs in circumstances where the College deems it necessary that a student be involuntarily removed from one or more classes based on student conduct. Only the Office of the Registrar may withdraw students for reasons of conduct, and only at the written direction of the President, the Provost, or the Director of Student Conduct & Community Standards. Students who have been conduct withdrawn will receive a CW (Conduct Withdrawn) code for the course or courses. Students who are withdrawn for reasons of conduct from all courses and the College will be given a student status of “Conduct Dismissal” and a conduct hold will be applied to the student’s account.
Confidentiality Expectations for Student Employees
Students working in Utica University offices (student employees, resident assistants, or student interns) are sometimes required to handle confidential materials. Students are asked to sign a statement of confidentiality. If a student knowingly reveals information learned in confidence while working in a College office, the College reserves the right to take disciplinary action.
Course Cancellation Policy
The College reserves the right to cancel any course if necessary and to make changes in regulations, curricula, and fees at any time.
A brief summary of the Course Numbering Guidelines for all courses is given below.
000-099 Remedial and non-credit courses
100-199 First-year courses
200-299 Sophomore-level courses
300-499 Junior- and Senior-level courses
500-599 Joint undergraduate and graduate courses
600-799 Graduate-level courses
The first digit should indicate level. The third digit may indicate the type of course. For
1. Two-semester courses which need to be taken sequentially will have one and two as
the third digit, e.g. ENG 101 and 102.
2. Courses which do not have to be taken in sequence will have five (5) and six (6) as
the third digit, e.g. LIT 205 and LIT 206.
3. Independent study courses should be numbered 290, 390, 490, as appropriate to the
level of the course.
4. Honors courses will have nine (9) as the third digit.
5. At the graduate level, the third digit nine (9) in the numbering series 500-799
indicates readings, research, and individual study courses
Credit Hours
Instructional courses must offer a minimum of 12 ½ hours of active instruction for each credit hour, with twice that time allotted for student work outside the classroom, as required by New York State. Accordingly, a three-credit course consists of a minimum of 37 ½ hours of active instruction with the expectation that the student will spend twice that time on outside assignments such as homework, research, and review. This definition is consistent throughout all modes of instruction - on-ground, hybrid, and online - for both undergraduate and graduate classes. This definition applies equally to courses of any length, including 8-week courses.
Supervised courses (courses that offer students immersion experiences in another culture without formal lectures, presentations, and laboratory work) offer one academic credit per five days in situ of the course.
Laboratory courses offer one credit hour for every 37 ½ hours of laboratory work.
The Office of the Provost, in consultation with the Curriculum Committee, will review and determine the credit hours for courses that do not fall into the categories above.
Dean’s Honor and High Honor Lists
The Dean’s Honor List, published after the end of each semester, gives recognition to all students who complete 12 or more credit hours of work with a semester’s average of 3.4 or better. Pass/fail courses are not counted toward the 12-hour requirement.
The Dean’s High Honor List, published after the end of each semester, gives recognition to all students who complete 12 or more credit hours of work with a semester average of 4.0. Pass/fail courses are not counted toward the 12-hour requirement.
Matriculated part-time students are eligible for both lists if they take at least six and no more than 11 credit hours.
Dual Majors, Majors, and Minors, Combined Degrees
Students may complete a dual major or a combination of a major and a minor by successfully completing all of the requirements of two major programs or a major program and any minor program(s) except for restrictions previously noted. Careful consultation with the student’s advisor may be necessary to avoid conflicts. However, students only may receive one B.A, B.S., or B.B.A. degree. The dual major or combination of a major and a minor is reflected on the student’s permanent records maintained by the Office of the Registrar.
When completing a dual major, no more than nine credit hours comprising the first major may be used toward fulfilling the requirements of the second major. General Education Core courses that also fulfill major requirements are exceptions to this limit.
Two distinct bachelor’s degree programs may be pursued simultaneously. The programs may be in the same school or two different schools; must lead to two different career objectives, and must have two distinct degree titles (BA/BS/BBA). In such cases, two degrees will be conferred, and two diplomas awarded. Combined degree programs will require the completion of 30 credits beyond the usual requirements for one degree (typically 120/128). The minimum total credits required in combined degree programs are 150.
Grade Changes
Once a grade has been reported, it may not be changed except to correct a computational or clerical error. All such cases must be reported by the course instructor and require the approval of the appropriate school dean.
If a student believes that the grade reported by the course instructor is not accurate and after talking with the instructor still believes there is an error, the student may petition the Academic Standards Committee for a grade change. (See “Grievance and Complaint Procedures.”)
This is the College’s default grading scale. Faculty members may deviate from this default scale but must indicate clearly in the syllabus when they do so.
Undergraduate Grading Scale |
A |
94 - 100 |
C |
74 - 76.99 |
A- |
90 - 93.99 |
C- |
70 - 73.99 |
B+ |
87 - 89.99 |
D+ |
67 - 69.99 |
B |
84 - 86.99 |
D |
60 - 66.99 |
B- |
80 - 83.99 |
F |
0 - 59.99 |
C+ |
77 - 79.99 |
Grading System
The grading system used at Utica University is a letter system: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C +, C, C-, D +, D, and P, which are passing grades, and F (failing).
Grade Points and Credit Hours
Grade points are awarded on the basis of 4.0 for each credit hour of “A” grade, 3.7 for A-, 3.3 for B+, 3.0 for B, 2.7 for B-, 2.3 for C+, 2.0 for C, 1.7 for C-, 1.3 for D+, 1.0 for D, and 0 for F. For most courses at Utica University students receive three credit hours, although the number of credit hours per course varies. The individual course listings in the catalog and in each semester’s registration schedule inform students of the number of credit hours granted for each course.
(per credit hour) |
(per credit hour) |
A |
4.0 |
C- |
1.7 |
A- |
3.7 |
D+ |
1.3 |
B+ |
3.3 |
D |
1.0 |
B |
3.0 |
F |
0 |
B- |
2.7 |
I |
0 |
C+ |
2.3 |
AU |
Audit |
C |
2.0 |
NC |
Neutral |
Graduate-Level Courses Taken by Undergraduate Students and Applied to Undergraduate Program
Before registering for any course at the 500-level, undergraduate students must receive the permission of the instructor of the course.
Undergraduates may take graduate level courses and count them towards their undergraduate degree as long as:
- The student has completed at least 60 credit hours towards the completion of an undergraduate degree and has a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above, and
- The course is required by the undergraduate program, or
- The course is a recognized elective for the undergraduate program, or
- The course is neither (a) nor (b) but all the specific course requirements for the undergraduate major have been met and the graduate level course functions as a college elective to make up the credit hours required to graduate.
- Permission for any 600 level course taken at the undergraduate level must be obtained from the student’s adviser and the director of the program offering the course. A maximum of 6 credits of 600 level courses may be taken by an undergraduate student.
Courses that satisfy the above conditions will be billed and aided as undergraduate study as long as the student is matriculated into an undergraduate program.
In their final semester as an undergraduate, a student may take graduate-level courses that are not required by the program, are not electives for the program, and do not count towards the credit hours required for the degree. These courses will count towards both the course requirements and credit hour requirements for a Utica University graduate level program and will factor into the graduate level GPA. However, these courses will not be eligible for undergraduate aid.
Exceptions to this policy are students enrolled in the College’s B.S. /M.S. in Occupational Therapy or B.S. /D.P.T. programs, where the student earns an undergraduate degree after four years, and the master of science or doctor of physical therapy degree after the sixth year. Exceptions to this policy also apply to any undergraduate program that leads to a Master of Education degree and NYSED teacher certification, in a dual degree program.
Graduation Honors
Students must have an average of 3.4 - 3.59 to graduate cum laude, 3.6 - 3.79 for magna cum laude, and 3.8 - 4.0 for summa cum laude honors, and students must complete at least 36 credit hours of Utica University graded coursework at the 300- and 400-levels to be graduated with honors. If a student transfers from another institution, graduation honors are computed on the basis of Utica University credit alone. Courses transferred from another institution, whether they are taken prior to admission or while a student is at Utica University, satisfy graduation requirements but are excluded from calculations of cumulative or program-specific grade-point average. At least 60 hours must have been taken in Utica University courses through the spring term immediately preceding the commencement ceremony in which they participate. P grades earned in pass/fail courses are not computed in the student’s average, and the credit hours earned in pass/fail courses do not count toward fulfilling the 60-hour requirement for honors with the exception of mandatory pass/fail courses. Second-degree candidates are eligible provided they have carried 60 graded hours of additional Utica University credit in their second-degree program.
To be considered for valedictorian or salutatorian, students must meet all of the preceding requirements for graduation honors. Additionally, students must have applied for a degree by the published deadline and be eligible for graduation in May or the previous December. They also must be registered for at least 10 hours of credit in the spring semester if they are May graduates or at least 10 hours in the fall if they are December graduates. Transfer students must have completed at least three semesters of residency, with summer session counting as a semester. For transfer students, records at previous institutions must be included in the computation of grade point average if the cumulative average is less than the Utica University average; records from previous institutions are excluded if the cumulative average is greater than the Utica University average.
Graduation Requirements
To be approved for graduation:
- Students must have satisfied all requirements listed for their majors in the catalog. (See section on “Majors and Minors.”) They must have at least a 2.0 average in their major course requirements. This includes all courses listed under Major Course Requirements and all courses listed under the student’s Concentration. It also includes courses listed under Major-Related Courses.
- Students must have a cumulative average of at least 2.0.
- A student’s last 30 credit hours, granted toward his or her Utica University degree, must have been earned from Utica University courses with matriculated status.
- Students must be recommended by the faculty.
- For the Bachelor of Arts degree, a minimum of 75 percent of the hours required for graduation must be taken in the liberal arts and sciences. For the Bachelor of Science degree, a minimum of 50 percent of the hours required for graduation must be taken in the liberal arts and sciences.
- For Baccalaureate degrees, students must complete a minimum of one 3-credit course with a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) designation at Utica University.
- Students must be active for the semester in which they are graduating.
- Students must apply for graduation by the deadline. Details, including deadlines, are available on the College website at http://zu7b.zlmmc8.com/ogs/gettingtograduation.cfm.
It is the student’s ultimate responsibility to ensure that all degree requirements have been completed. Students can review their progress toward degree completion at any time using the Degree Evaluation function, which is in the Student Services tab in BannerWeb for students. It is strongly suggested that students resolve any holds as soon as possible to aid in a smooth and timely process.
Graduating and Walking in Commencement Rules
- Students must meet the total credit hours required for their program (assuming they will pass the courses they are currently registered for) in order to be eligible to apply to graduate.
- Students must be eligible to graduate to apply to walk in commencement.
- Students are eligible to walk in a May commencement only if they graduated the previous August or previous December, or will graduate that May or the subsequent August. (students in education certification programs who have completed all degree requirements except student teaching may participate in the May commencement).
- Students who graduated more than 2 semesters prior to a commencement ceremony are not eligible to walk in that ceremony. (E.g. a student who graduated in May 2021 is not eligible to walk in the May 2022 ceremony.)
- Students may not walk in more than one commencement ceremony per program, but may walk a subsequent time for an additional program. Eg. a student who completes a BS in Biology and then a BS in Nursing may walk twice, once for each degree program.
Eligibility for Activities
Eligibility for participation in any University activity requires a student to be fully matriculated and carrying at least 12 hours in the current semester. An organization may require, in addition, a particular grade point average.
Eligibility is required for the following:
- To participate in University-sanctioned theatrical, musical, or other productions, except where such participation is required for academic course credit.
- To hold office (elective or appointive, editorial, or other posts) in an organization chartered by the University or using the Utica University name in which participation does not carry academic credit.
- Students intending to pledge any Greek-letter organization must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative average and have completed at least 12 credit hours at Utica University. First-semester transfer students intending to pledge any Greek-letter organization must have a minimum 2.5 cumulative average and have completed at least 12 credit hours at their previous institution.
- To participate in non-athletic intercollegiate competition.
All students, staff, and faculty are issued an official Utica e-mail account and are required to use it for official communication with Utica University students, staff, and faculty. Your Utica e-mail account is the primary official channel through which the University will communicate with you, therefore you must check your account regularly. Information on using your Utica e-mail account can be found at zu7b.zlmmc8.com/helpsheets.
A grade of Incomplete may be granted only if it can be demonstrated that it would be unfair to hold a student to the normal time limits for the course. A Request for Grade of Incomplete Contract (available online on the Registrar’s Form Page at http://zu7b.zlmmc8.com/academic/registrar/) must be completed by both the student and the instructor and requires the approval of the appropriate school dean. The amount of time granted to complete the Incomplete will be set by the instructor at the time the contract is submitted. Even though an instructor may require a student to repeat certain elements of a course to finish an Incomplete, students should not register for the course a second time.
Completing requirements for a course does not remove the Incomplete from the record. The “I” remains a permanent part of the academic record and transcript so that the change from incomplete to a grade can be identified. An Incomplete may affect a student’s financial aid. Please contact the Office of Student Financial Services for more information.
Independent Study
The faculty of each school, department, or subject area defines its own concept of the independent study, but it is understood that students only undertake individual projects beyond subject matter covered by the courses listed in the catalog. Normally open to juniors and seniors only, independent study may be taken for a total of no more than 18 credit hours toward a degree. Independent study courses usually are numbered 290, 390, or 490, may be offered for variable credits and can be repeated, providing the projects are not the same. Disciplines may add individual criteria and requirements.
In order to register for independent study, students must obtain and complete a registration form and a study plan form (available on the Registrar’s Forms Page) and have them signed by the faculty member who will supervise their projects, by the coordinator of the subject area in which they will be working, and by the appropriate school dean. School and department independent study guidelines are available in the appropriate school offices. The study plan is, in effect, a contract between the student and the faculty member who will supervise the student’s work. It must specify the nature, title, goals, and methods of the student’s project; the means of evaluation to be used by the student’s faculty supervisor, and the number of credit hours the student will receive for successfully completing the project. The completed forms must be filed with the Office of the Registrar when students register for the course.
Independent study is limited to matriculated students only.
Joint Health Professions Programs
Those enrolled in joint health professions programs may, under certain conditions, enter professional schools of medicine or dentistry after completion of three years of undergraduate work and receive a baccalaureate degree by substituting the first year of professional study for the senior year of undergraduate work. Admission to joint health professions programs does not guarantee admission to the professional school.
If enrolled in joint health professions programs, students must notify the Office of the Registrar in writing at the end of the junior year of their acceptance by the professional school, and they must apply for the baccalaureate degree.
Professional Option in Medicine and Dentistry
This plan makes it possible for students to qualify for a B.A. and an M.D. or D.D.S. in seven years. If accepted by an accredited school of medicine or dentistry after the completion of three years of undergraduate work, students may take their senior year in the professional school and be certified for a bachelor’s degree by Utica University, provided:
- the student has completed a total of 90 hours of undergraduate liberal arts work with at least a B average (3.0);
- the student has met all Core requirements for the bachelor’s degree; and
- in the student’s junior year, he or she has fulfilled 12 credit hours of advanced courses in his or her major.
Transfer students must have completed 60 hours in residence and have met all Core requirements.
Optometry, Podiatry, Osteopathic Medicine, and Dentistry
At the time of application for admission to Utica University, students may also apply for admission to joint health professions programs the University maintains with the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine, the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, the SUNY College of Optometry, the Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine, and the SUNY at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine. These are seven-year programs in which the student studies at Utica University for three years and four years at the professional school. After the first year of professional school, the bachelor’s degree is awarded. Admission to the professional school is made at the discretion of the professional school and is not guaranteed. More detailed information concerning these degrees is available from the Office of Admissions and the pre-medical advisor.
In addition, the University maintains an Early Assurance Program with the SUNY at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine in which students at Utica University may be assured of admission to the dental school after two of their four years of study. Upon graduating from the University, they then enter the dental school. Please consult with the pre-medical advisor for further information.
Advisory Committee for the Health Professions
The Advisory Committee for the Health Professions (composed of faculty and community professionals) advises, evaluates, and writes letters of recommendation for students interested in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and other health professions/careers. Students are encouraged to work closely with the Committee throughout their four years at the University.
Majors consist of courses focused on a particular academic field. Majors are declared by a student either at the time of original admission to the University and the major program, or through the school office related to the major. Certification for graduation takes place during the final semester of the student’s senior year after the student has applied for his/her degree. Certification is based upon satisfactory completion of all major, major-related, elective, and other requirements. Any major the student completes is indicated on the transcript.
Each student bears final responsibility for ensuring that degree requirements are completed. An unofficial review of each student’s status is completed by the major advisor(s) during the student’s junior year to determine which graduation requirements the student has finished and which courses still need to be completed.
Majors are subject to the following regulations:
- Students must complete at least one major to graduate.
- Majors must be comprised of the courses listed in either the catalog for the year of the student’s matriculation or the catalog of a subsequent year.
- The pass/fail option may not be used for courses in the major unless that grading system is specified for that particular course.
- When completing a dual major, no more than nine credit hours comprising the first major may be used toward fulfilling the requirements of the second major. General Education Core courses that also fulfill major requirements are exceptions to this limit.
- For graduation certification, students must earn at least a 2.0 average in their major course requirements. This includes all courses listed under Major Course Requirements and all courses listed under the student’s Concentration. It does not include courses listed under Major-Related Courses. Some majors have more stringent requirements. (See specific majors under the “Programs of Study ” section of this catalog.)
- Students must declare a major before they accumulate 60 credit hours in order to receive financial aid.
Make-up Examinations
If a student is unable to take any scheduled examination, a professor may choose to offer a make-up examination; this is not required and is entirely at the discretion of the professor. Such examinations must be taken during the same semester in which the examination was missed unless a grade of Incomplete is given for sufficient reason.
Maximum Credit Hour Loads
Students in good standing may take up to 19 credit hours of courses per semester without special permission. Any credit hour load that exceeds 19 hours per semester must be approved by the dean for the school in which the student is majoring.
During the summer sessions, students may take up to nine credit hours without special permission. During winter session, they make take only three credit hours without special permission. Any credit hour loads that exceed these limits must be approved by the dean of the school in which the student is majoring. The Vice President for Student Affairs must approve this for undeclared students.
Although a minor is not required, students may elect any minor offered by Utica University as long as it is different from their major. Minors are declared and certified in their respective schools in the same manner as majors. When students select, complete, and are certified in a minor, this will be indicated on their transcripts upon graduation.
Minors are subject to the following regulations:
- The pass/fail option may not be used for courses in the minor.
- For certification, students must earn at least a 2.0 average in the minor.
- Students may take more than one minor but also must complete a major.
- Half of the credits must be completed with courses taken from Utica University.
Pass/Fail Courses
Students in on-ground programs should come to the Office of the Registrar for a Pass/Fail form. Students in online or hybrid programs should contact the Office of the Registrar for instructions on how to take a course on a Pass/Fail basis.
- Freshmen cannot take classes on a Pass/Fail basis
- Only elective courses may be taken on a Pass/Fail basis - no courses that are required for General Education, Core, Minor, or any part of the Major may be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.
- You cannot be on academic probation.
- A maximum of one course per semester may be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.
- A total maximum of six courses may be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.
- Courses taken on a Pass/Fail basis may affect your eligibility for graduation honors. Refer to the catalog for details.
- The deadline to elect to take a course on a Pass/Fail basis is posted on the Academic Deadlines schedule.
When passing a pass/fail course, students will receive a grade of P and the degree credit hours normally awarded for the course. The grade of P earns no grade points, and credit hours earned are not computed in determining their semester’s or cumulative averages. If failing a pass/fail course, students will receive a grade of F. The failing grade will be computed in their semester and cumulative averages.
Pass/fail courses can have an effect on eligibility for honors and on probationary standing. Students should check the honors and probation regulations carefully and evaluate the possible effects of pass/fail courses on their averages and their qualifications for graduation with honors before they exercise the pass/fail option.
Repeating a Course
Students must repeat any required course that they fail. Students may elect to repeat any course, assuming the course is taught in any subsequent semester during the student’s tenure, subject to the conditions below. Students repeating a course may be denied enrollment if there is no available space in the class. Majors may have stricter policies that supersede this general policy; check major requirements for details.
Students wishing to repeat a course must register for and retake the course at Utica University if they want to remove the calculation of the lower grade from their cumulative averages. Equivalent courses taken at other institutions are not counted as repeated courses.
When a course is repeated at Utica University, the lower of the two grades is removed from the calculation of the student’s cumulative average. If a course is repeated more than once, the lowest grade is excluded and all other grades are factored into the grade point average. In either case, each time the course is taken, the grade will remain part of the student’s permanent transcript. Credit is awarded only once, regardless of the number of times the course is repeated.
If the previous grade earned by a student was not deficient as determined by either the University’s standards or by the standards of the program in which the student is matriculated, the repeated course does not count towards a full-time load, nor is it eligible for certain kinds of financial aid. Students intending to repeat a course where the prior grade was not deficient need to be registered for a full-time course load in addition to the repeated course in order to qualify for full-time financial aid, maintain full-time enrollment standing, or to remain in compliance with visa requirements. Students intending to repeat a course should check with Student Financial Services, and international students intending to repeat a course should check with International Education, prior to registering for the course.
Experience Credit
Only in exceptional circumstances will Utica University allow for experience credit. Experience credit is limited to fifteen credits in a program, and the experience credit must have produced the learning equivalent to taking a course in the program. A student wishing to receive experience credit must submit an Application for Experience Credit to his or her program director, who in turn submits the form with endorsement to the dean of the school. If approved some type of formal evaluation demonstrating knowledge of the information appropriate to the course must occur such as a final paper or exam. The appropriate tuition and fees apply for the equivalent course(s) based on the per-credit rate for that program’s tuition.
Administrative withdrawal occurs in circumstances where the University deems it appropriate that a student be removed from one or more classes. Only the Office of the Registrar may administratively withdraw students, and only with the approval of the Executive Director for Student Financial Service, Director for Student Success, and the College Registrar. Students who have been administratively withdrawn will receive an AW (Administratively Withdrawn) code for the course or courses and will have their charges reversed and aid returned.
Midterm Grade Report
Reports indicating the level of achievement at mid-semester are entered by faculty members into Banner where they may be viewed by students through Banner Web for Students. Students should not consider these midterm reports as official grades; they are designed to identify those who may benefit from academic counseling. Students who do not receive a midterm grade report should not assume that their performance in any given course is satisfactory, but should check with their instructors if they are in doubt.
Transcript of Grades
A transcript is an official and complete copy of a student’s academic history at Utica University. It records all courses completed, successfully and unsuccessfully, and all courses from which the student withdrew after the add/drop deadline. It also will show any instances of Academic Probation, Academic Warning, or Academic Dismissal. Utica University transcripts record every term attended, including both undergraduate and graduate studies, as applicable. It will show the number of credits accepted for transfer, but not the specific courses. Transcripts also show any degrees awarded and official University honors earned.
Utica University is also required by New York State to notate the transcript of a student found responsible for a code of conduct violation. The transcript will state “suspended after the finding of responsibility for a code of conduct violation” or “expelled after a finding of responsibility for a code of conduct violation,” as applicable. Students who withdraw from Utica University while an investigation is pending will have the following notation on their transcript “withdrew with conduct charges pending.” Students may appeal to the Dean of Students and Campus Life to seek removal of such notations.
The Office of the Registrar issues transcripts upon request. Requests are generally processed within five business days. Delays may be experienced at the beginning and end of each semester and during preregistration. Please plan accordingly.
Current students are able to print unofficial copies of their transcripts via the BannerWeb system.
Official transcripts can be ordered online at zu7b.zlmmc8.com/transcript
Utica University reserves the right to withhold diplomas of financially delinquent students.
Probation and Academic Dismissal
Any time a student’s cumulative average falls below 2.0, he or she will be placed on probation. Probation is a warning that the quality of the student’s work must improve or he or she will face academic dismissal for poor scholarship. Students on probation are not allowed to take courses on a pass/fail basis.
Students on probation whose academic performance continues to be poor (GPA below 2.0 and failure to make substantial academic progress as determined by the Academic Standards Committee) will be dismissed from the University. Students with very poor academic records (typically below a 0.5 GPA) may be dismissed without being placed on probation.
Some academic programs have specific probation and dismissal standards that are higher than the University’s. For details see the program information in the “Programs of Study ” section of the catalog. In most cases, a student dismissed from a program who is in good academic standing within the University may transfer to another program within the University. For further details consult with an academic advisor or a member of the Center for Student Success staff.
Students in online programs with 8-week classes who are dismissed after a D1 (first part of term) class may complete a subsequent D2 (second part of term) class in the same semester, but may not take classes in the subsequent semester. Students who are dismissed after a D2 class will be removed from classes in the subsequent semester.
Students who are appealing a dismissal may remain in classes for which they are registered until the appeal is heard.
Professional Behavior
Students, as well as faculty, are expected to exhibit the high level of personal integrity that society must demand of professionals. Matters of professional misconduct, including moral turpitude, inappropriate behavior, or violations of a professional code of standards, are typically handled by the relevant academic department unless the behavior is so egregious as to warrant it being referred to the Office of Academic Affairs or the Academic Standards Committee. Failure to comply with these standards may result in denial of admission to, or dismissal from, the College.
For further information consult the Utica University Code of Student Conduct (see Code of Student Conduct) and retention policies of the individual programs.
Readmission after Academic Dismissal
Students who are dismissed for academic reasons will not be able to take any courses at Utica University for at least one regular semester. Students who are dismissed at the end of a fall semester are eligible to apply for readmission the following fall semester. Students who are dismissed at the end of a spring semester are eligible to apply for readmission the following spring semester. Utica University is not obligated to accept transfer credit for work taken at another institution during the period of dismissal.
Students whose application for readmission is approved will retain the credits and grades earned before they were dismissed, and they will be readmitted on probation.
A second dismissal is considered to be a permanent separation from the University. Students who can provide convincing evidence of their ability and determination to complete degree requirements successfully may appeal this status to the Provost.
Some academic programs have specific probation and dismissal standards that are higher than the University’s. For details see the program information in the “Programs of Study ” section of the catalog.
Software and Intellectual Rights
Respect for intellectual labor and creativity is vital to academic discourse and enterprise. This principle applies to works of all authors and publishers in all media. It encompasses respect for the right to acknowledgment, right to privacy, and right to determine the form, manner, and terms of publication and distribution.
Because electronic information is so volatile and easily reproduced, respect for the work and personal expression of others is especially critical in computer environments.
Academic Honesty*
Academic honesty is necessary for the free exchange of ideas. Utica University expects academic honesty from all students.
Academic dishonesty can include plagiarism or cheating. Plagiarism, a serious form of academic dishonesty, is the use of ideas and phrases in the writings of others as one’s own without crediting the source. All materials used or paraphrased must be cited and credited. Cheating refers to both the giving and the receiving of unauthorized assistance in the taking of examinations or the creation of assigned and/or graded class work. Students who assist other students in, or contribute to, acts of academic dishonesty are subject to the appropriate penalties.
Students who receive a penalty for academic dishonesty forfeit the right to withdraw from the class or the University without penalty unless the faculty member allows it. The faculty member shall inform the student in writing of the penalty and of the right to an appeal to the Academic Standards Committee, with a copy to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs will refer any repeat offense, or any particularly egregious first offense, to the Academic Standards Committee, which may recommend a more severe penalty than that imposed by the faculty member.
In addition, instances of academic dishonesty may be referred to the Academic Standards Committee by the Office of Student Affairs, and instances of academic misconduct (misuse of academic resources or facilities) may be referred by the Academic Standards Committee to the Office of Student Affairs for possible action through the student disciplinary process. Behavior by a student may result in both a hearing by the Academic Standards Committee and action through the student disciplinary process. The processes are separate so the decision rendered in one place will not determine the decision rendered in the other.
*See the Code of Student Conduct at http://zu7b.zlmmc8.com/student/conduct/ for definitions, policies, and procedures concerning academic misconduct.
The Utica University policy concerning the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material and unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material and unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing is found on the following web pages:
Education Records and FERPA
Utica University fully complies with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and its implementing regulations. To see the University’s policies and procedures in accordance with the FERPA regulations, see http://zu7b.zlmmc8.com/academic/registrar/ferpa.cfm
Students have the right to access and control access to their educational records as provided in the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), also known as the Buckley Amendment. These include the rights to view and challenge the content of specified records, to control the release of personal and academic information to third parties, and to suppress all or some information categorized as “directory information” by legislation.
The policy of Utica University on access to and release of student data/information follows. Pursuant to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, this will constitute official notice of the following information:
- Official files containing material directly related to students are maintained in the following locations on campus.
- The Office of the Registrar maintains the student’s official academic record, admissions material, copies of official correspondence with the student, and copies of information concerning the student’s academic record sent to prospective employers or other educational institutions at his or her request. Student transcripts are kept permanently. These files are maintained by the registrar.
- The Academic Support Services Center maintains a file containing academic records, admissions material, and copies of correspondence with the student who has not declared a major or is on academic probation. These copies are maintained by the director of student development.
- The Office of Student Financial Services maintains files containing information related to financial aid applications and awards. These files are maintained by the executive director, Office of Student Financial Services.
- The Office of Student Employment maintains files containing information related to a student’s employment in all campus-based work programs. These files are maintained by the Office of Student Employment.
- Once a student has opened a credential file with the Center for Career and Professional Development, the office will send copies of this file to prospective employers or graduate schools at the student’s request for five years after opening their file. These files are maintained by the Center for Career and Professional Development.
- The Office of Student Affairs maintains files of students who have had cases adjudicated through the University’s student disciplinary system. The student disciplinary system is used to resolve cases of students who are charged with violating the Code of Student Conduct. These files are maintained by the Director of Student Conduct and Community Standards.
- The Office of Residence Life maintains files related to students who live in campus residences. The files contain records of students’ housing history, including violations of residential policies and regulations. These files are maintained by the director of residence life.
- The Office of Online and Extended Studies maintains files for students in those programs. The files, which contain academic records, admissions material, and copies of correspondence, are maintained by the executive director of strategic operations.
- Corporate and Professional Programs maintains files for students enrolled in those programs. The files, which contain academic records, admissions material, and copies of correspondence, are maintained by the executive director of corporate and professional programs.
- The Office of Advancement maintains files on students who pledge a gift to the University. These files contain a record of their pledges and correspondence and are maintained by the coordinator of research and records.
- The Office of Marketing and Communications maintains files on students who submit information for press releases. These files are maintained by the director of media relations.
- The school office in which the student’s major resides maintains a file containing academic records, admissions material, and copies of correspondence with the student. These copies are maintained by the dean of the relevant school.
- The Act stipulates that the following persons and officials may have access to a student’s file without his/her permission:
- Utica University officials, faculty members, and employees - including student employees, trustees, and persons under contract to the College - who have legitimate educational interests.
- Authorized representatives of certain federal and state officials, including the comptroller general, the secretary of education, etc. Please note that representatives of investigating agencies specifically are excluded.
- Organizations conducting studies for educational agencies to develop, validating, or administering predictive tests, or administering student aid programs and improving instruction.
- Accrediting organizations to carry out their accrediting functions.
- In compliance with a judicial order pursuant to any lawfully issued subpoena.
- Parents of students who are dependents of their parents for income tax purposes.
- No person, other than those enumerated in #2 above may have access to a student’s records without his or her written consent.
- Records maintained in the Office of the Registrar constitute the official record and are maintained for six years. Records maintained in the other offices are destroyed when there is no further need for them, usually three to five years after graduation or separation from Utica University.
- The Act stipulates that students have the right to inspect their records. To do so, they must direct their request in writing to the person responsible for the file they wish to inspect. The request typically will be honored at the time of its receipt, if staff are available, but in no case later than 45 days after the request is made. Students have the right to review all material in their file unless they have waived their right of access. They have the right to receive a copy of any portion of their record, which will be made available to them at a charge of $1 for the first page requested and 10 cents for each additional page, with the exception of transcripts, which will be made available at a charge of $10 per paper copy and $7 per electronic copy.
- A student has the right to challenge the content of his or her records. If a student should wish to do so, the University will attempt to resolve the dispute informally, through the person having responsibility for the file. If this attempt proves to be unsatisfactory to the student making the challenge, the student may request the president of the University to convene a formal hearing. The president or a faculty or staff member appointed by the president, who shall have no direct interest in the outcome, will conduct the hearing. The hearing will be held within a reasonable time following the request, and the student will be afforded a full and fair opportunity to present evidence relevant to the issues raised. The decision will be rendered in writing by the official conducting the hearing within a reasonable time after the conclusion of the hearing.
- The Act permits the University to release directory information. Directory information will include the following categories: the student’s name, home town, home address, residency status, campus or local address, telephone number, Utica e-mail address, Utica student ID number, date and place of birth, academic level, major field of study, weight and height of athletic team members, dates of attendance at Utica University, registration status (full- vs. part-time), degrees and awards received, photographs, and the most recent previous educational institution attended, as well as participation in officially recognized activities and sports. Students who do not wish to have this information released without prior consent should notify the Office of the Registrar in writing. In the absence of such notification, directory information will be released when it is deemed appropriate by college officials.
- The Act permits the University to reveal the results of disciplinary proceedings against students accused of violent crimes who have been found responsible for violating the University’s rules or policies. The University is also permitted to notify parents if a student younger than 21 is caught drinking or using illegal drugs.
Directory Information
At its discretion, Utica University may provide “directory information” in accordance with the provisions of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). Directory Information is defined as that information which would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. Designated directory information at Utica University includes the following:
Student’s Name
Local Address/Campus Residence/Telephone Numbers
Permanent Address/Telephone Number
E-mail Address
Date and Place of Birth
Degrees and Awards Received and Dates
Dates of Attendance (Current and Past)
Full or Part-time Enrollment Status
Participation in Officially Recognized Activities
Participation in Officially Recognized Sports
Weight/Height of Members of Athletic Teams
Most Recently Attended Educational Institution
Major Field of Study
Academic Levels
Residency Status
Students may block the public disclosure of directory information by submitting a Request to Prevent Disclosure of Directory Information form with the Office of the Registrar. Please consider very carefully the consequences of a decision to withhold directory information. A non-disclosure block will call for Utica University not to release any or all of this “directory information;” thus, any future requests for such information from non-college persons or organizations will be refused.
Utica University will honor your request to withhold directory information but cannot assume responsibility to contact you for subsequent permission to release this information. Regardless of the effect on you, Utica University assumes no liability as a result of honoring your instructions that such information be withheld.
Requests for non-disclosure may be filed at any time and remain in effect permanently (including after departing the University) until removed, in writing, by the student.
As of January 3, 2012, the U.S. Department of Education’s FERPA regulations expand the circumstances under which your education records and personally identifiable information (PII) contained in such records - including your Social Security Number, grades, or other private information - may be accessed without your consent. First, the U.S. Comptroller General, the U.S. Attorney General, the U.S. Secretary of Education, or state and local education authorities (“Federal and State Authorities”) may allow access to your records and PII without your consent to any third party designated by a Federal or State Authority to evaluate a Federal- or state-supported education program. The evaluation may relate to any program that is “principally engaged in the provision of education,” such as early childhood education and job training, as well as any program that is administered by an education agency or institution. Second, Federal and state authorities may allow access to your education records and PII without your consent to researchers performing certain types of studies, in certain cases even when we object to or do not request such research. Federal and state authorities must obtain certain use-restriction and data security promises from the entities that they authorize to receive your PII, but the authorities need not maintain direct control over such entities. In addition, in connection with Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems, state authorities may collect, compile, permanently retain, and share without your consent PII from your education records, and they may track your participation in education and other programs by linking such PII to other personal information about you that they obtain from other Federal or State data sources, including workforce development, unemployment insurance, child welfare, juvenile justice, military service, and migrant student records systems.
Questions about FERPA, students’ privacy rights, and Utica University’s compliance procedures may be directed to the Office of the Registrar, 123 White Hall, Utica University, Utica, NY 13502-4892.
Release of Personal Information to Military Recruiters
At the request of military branches, the regulations under the Solomon Amendment, 32 CFR Part 215, require the University to release select information on currently enrolled students to military recruiters for the sole purpose of military recruiting. Before releasing the requested information, the University will ask if the intent is to use the requested information only for military recruiting purposes.
The military is entitled to receive information about students who are “currently enrolled,” which is defined as registered for at least one credit hour of academic credit during the most recent, current, or next term.
Under the Solomon Amendment, the military is entitled to receive the following student information:
Age or year of birth
Telephone Number
Level of education (i.e. freshman, sophomore, or degree awarded to a recent graduate)
If a student has requested that his or her directory information not be disclosed to third parties, as is permitted under FERPA, that student’s information will not be released to the military under the Solomon Amendment. In such instances, the school will remove the student’s information sent to the military and note “We have not provided information for X number of students because they have requested that their directory information not be disclosed.”
Any student who believes he or she has been treated unfairly will have the right to be heard fairly and promptly. The college recognizes that disputes may sometimes arise and requires the parties involved to resolve the conflict informally whenever possible. If resolution cannot be reached, a formal complaint can be submitted to assure impartial and equitable resolution.
This complaint process may not be invoked for matters that have independent appeal processes that are already established. Examples of these include but are not limited to Student Conduct, Title IX, FERPA, Academic Appeals, Academic Integrity, Financial Aid.
The process is divided into an informal and formal process. Resolution may be reached at any stage of the process. Please see the student complaint process webpage for further details.
Basic Academic Skills
At Utica University, faculty recognizes that not all students come to the University with the same level of academic skills. Some students need to develop their competence in such areas as reading and study strategies, writing skills, math skills, and speech and discussion skills.
The academic record of every applicant is reviewed carefully, and those students needing development in a particular area are enrolled in freshman courses designed to meet their needs. Students who are so assigned must successfully complete the course(s) before registering for the next level of coursework in the subject area.
Students must achieve a minimum grade of C when taking developmental courses (ENG 100 - Writing Seminar (2) , REA 100 - Reading and Study Strategies (1) , MAT 100 - Basic Mathematics (1 to 2) ) for the first time to receive academic credit.
Honors Program
The Honors Programs offer intellectually talented students the opportunity to participate in enriched courses of study fully integrated with the regular academic program. The Honors Programs have two independent parts: the Utica University Honors Program related to general education requirements; and Major Honors, related to individual scholarship in the student’s major course of study. University Honors and Major Honors express Utica University’s commitment to supporting challenging academic opportunities that may serve as a model for the larger University community.
Utica University Honors Program
The Utica University Honors Program provides unique learning opportunities for high-achieving students, and promotes intellectual growth by engaging students with a multidisciplinary, seminar-based educational pathway designed to enhance critical thinking and foster an inclusive community that empowers students to expand their scholarly curiosity and become lifelong learners and leaders.
As defined by the National Collegiate Honors Council, “Honors education is characterized by in-class and extracurricular activities that are measurably broader, deeper, or more complex than comparable learning experiences typically found at institutions of higher education. Honors experiences include a distinctive learner-directed environment and philosophy, provide opportunities that are appropriately tailored to fit the institution’s culture and mission, and frequently occur within a close community of students and faculty.”
The Utica University Honors Program curriculum is consistent with the Institutional Learning Goals and the General Education Program Goals. Completion of the Honors Program satisfies the General Education Requirement.
Honors Program courses satisfy the following Honors Program Learning Goal: Integrate multidisciplinary knowledge and modes of thinking to explore a complex problem or intellectual question.
To successfully complete the Utica University Honors Program, and have that achievement noted on their Utica University transcripts, students must satisfy the following requirements:
- Complete an enriched program based on the General Education requirements described in the University catalog.
- Complete a special section of Written Communication reserved for Honors Program students to fulfill the University’s Written Communication requirement and Information Literacy requirement. Honors Program students are exempt from the regular ENG 101 - Written Communication I (3) - ENG 102 - Written Communication II (3) sequence.
- Complete a special section of Oral Communication reserved for Honors Program students to fulfill the University’s Oral Communication requirement.
- Complete a special section of Critical Thinking and Reasoning reserved for Honors Program students to fulfill the University’s Critical Thinking and Reasoning requirement.
- Special sections of courses fulfilling the University’s Quantitative Reasoning and Scientific Literacy requirements will be available and reserved for Honors Program students but are not required.
- Complete an Honors Pathway Minor consistent with the University’s General Education requirements, comprised of interdisciplinary seminars developed for Honors Program students. Interdisciplinary seminars fulfill the following Honors Program Learning Goal: Integrate multidisciplinary knowledge and modes of thinking to explore a complex problem or intellectual question.
- Achieve a cumulative grade point average of 3.2 while in the Honors Program.
- Adhere to strict standards of academic honesty and integrity. Instances of plagiarism will result in dismissal from the Utica University Honors Program.
General questions about the Utica University Honors Program should be directed to the program director by emailing honors@zlmmc8.com.
Questions about the application process and admissions criteria should be directed to the Office of Admissions by emailing admiss@zlmmc8.com.
In addition to the Utica University Honors Program, which is based on general education requirements, the University also offers opportunities to complete Major Honors, which is related to individual scholarship in the student’s major course of study. See Major Honors below for more information.
The Utica University Honors Program and Major Honors express Utica University’s commitment to supporting challenging academic opportunities that may serve as a model for the larger University community.
Major Honors
In addition to the Utica University Honors Program, which is based on general education requirements, the University also offers opportunities to complete Major Honors, which is related to individual scholarship in the student’s major course of study.
Major Honors offers students opportunities for intensive study and research in their major academic area, for working closely with faculty members and for understanding their discipline in relation to others.
Admission to Major Honors is by invitation and will be extended to continuing or transfer students whose performance in their first two years of college satisfies the requirements of the major department.
To earn Major Honors students must satisfy the requirements of the major department:
- Usually, complete six credits in the major that has an Honors designation, and that culminates in an Honors project (research or creative activity) to be presented at the annual Student Research Day or another appropriate forum.
- Achieve an appropriate cumulative grade point average.
- Complete any additional requirements established by the major and kept on file in the appropriate school office.
Students who successfully complete Major Honors will have their achievement noted on their Utica University transcripts. Please note that Major Honors students are expected to adhere to strict standards of academic honesty and integrity. Instances of plagiarism will result in dismissal from Major Honors.
General questions about Major Honors at Utica University should be directed to the Honors Program director by emailing honors@zlmmc8.com.
International Opportunities and Study Abroad
Semester-long and short-term study abroad programs are available to all students starting their sophomore year in fall, spring, or summer. Students may enroll in courses that fulfill Core, major, minor, or elective credit. Internship opportunities are also available. All grades earned are included in the Utica University grade point average. The Office of International Education assists students in identifying a program that fits their interests and needs, completing the application packet, enrolling in the study abroad program, and preparing for traveling abroad. Plans for study abroad should be made as early in a student’s college career as possible as some programs may have specific language or other requirements. Students should contact their Academic Advisor and Success Coach for assistance in selecting classes before departure to ensure that courses completed while abroad match well with their academic goals and financial aid requirements.
The University has bilateral agreements with universities in Australia, Finland, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Poland, Peru, Spain, the United Kingdom, and Uruguay. We also have partnership agreements with the Center for International Studies (CIS Abroad) and the School for International Training (SIT Abroad). Acceptance into a study abroad program requires a clean discipline record and a minimum GPA of 2.5, with some specific programs requiring a higher GPA. Application deadlines are October 1 for the spring semester, and March 1 for summer and fall semesters.
There are a number of short-term programs available to students who want to try a short term program or are unable to spend an entire semester abroad. The courses range from 3-6 credit hours, are associated with certain courses, and range in duration from 1-3 weeks. Current program offerings include the Forensic Anthropology/Bioarchaeological Field School in Albania, Romania, and Greece; Construction Management in Bulgaria, OT Fieldwork in the Dominican Republic, Literature in London, and Spanish Immersion in Ecuador. All short-term programs are faculty led.
The Office of International Education provides specific information about the costs of study abroad, since these vary among programs. For a semester abroad, students are billed for the current Utica University tuition and fees, which are applied to their study abroad program cost. Student also pay for supplemental international health insurance and a study abroad fee of $600. Program costs in excess of the Utica University tuition/fees are the responsibility of the student. All financial aid except for the Residence Hall grant may be applied to study abroad during the fall and spring semesters. During the application process, students should meet with a financial aid counselor who is responsible for all study abroad aid dispersal.
To begin planning for studying abroad, make an appointment with OIE staff and explore program options on our website.
The goal is to encourage students to broaden their horizons and to prepare them to take their places in the global marketplace.
Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP)
Admission to Utica University is available through The Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program, a joint venture undertaken by Utica University and New York State. The program is designed for students who, irrespective of age, race, creed, color, sex, or national origin, are both academically and economically disadvantaged. Eligibility is determined by comparing a student’s academic qualifications and financial condition with the guidelines approved by the New York State Education Department. Students must be residents of New York State and must have demonstrated potential for success in higher education.
Transfers from an equivalent special program approved as such by the State Education Department also are invited to apply. Students will receive financial support and supportive services such as academic and personal counseling and tutoring up to a maximum of 10 semesters (five years).
First-time HEOP freshmen are required to attend the five-week pre-freshman Summer Institute, which is designed to serve as a bridge between high school and college. The coursework is carefully chosen to match each student’s level of skills and future career goals. Students accepted into the Institute will be required to take Reading 100 and English 100, as well as Mathematics 100 or Mathematics 124. Students will be placed in these courses according to their placement test results and will take them as credit courses. In addition, a non-credit complement of workshops in study skills, basic skills, and the basic methods of inquiry will be required for each participant. A staff of counselors and tutors is available to help students in their adjustment to college life.
For additional information, contact the Office of Opportunity Programs or the Office of Admissions. HEOP is available only to students in on-ground programs.
If a student feels he or she should be absolved from adhering to a particular academic regulation or procedure, or that an academic regulation has been unfairly applied, he or she should discuss the problem with a member of the Center for Student Success. If the matter cannot be resolved to the student’s satisfaction, he or she will be provided with a form for petitioning the Academic Standards Committee. After he or she has submitted the petition, the committee will consider the individual’s case and inform the student by letter of the decision reached and the action taken.
Physical Education Courses
A student may count a maximum of three credits of physical education courses towards the credits required for graduation. Courses transferred in from another institution count towards the three-credit maximum. Physical education courses may be repeated for credit.
Preparation for Graduate and Professional Schools
Utica University graduates have gained acceptance to the best professional schools in the country. The University curriculum prepares those interested in further work in the various majors and meets pre-professional requirements in the following specialized areas:
Certified Public Accountant
The major in public accountancy as a registered curriculum meets the academic requirements for New York State.
The College offers a pre-law preparatory and advising program. Periodically pre-law meetings are held by the pre-law advisor. Students interested in law school should be in constant touch with the pre-law advisor and make use of the pre-law resources available from the Center for Career and Professional Development.
Preparation for teaching in New York State must include both subject matter and professional coursework. The University offers courses satisfying the requirements for a provisional certificate at the undergraduate level and permanent certification through master’s degrees in a functionally related field. For detailed information, see the description of Education in the Programs of Study section of this catalog or contact the Director of the Institute for Excellence in Education.
Medicine and Dentistry
Although most prospective medical students follow one of the majors in science, a major in any liberal arts area can satisfy the pre-professional academic requirements, provided the program includes six hours of English, and eight hours each in physics, biology, general chemistry, and organic chemistry. As medical and dental schools vary in admission requirements, students should note those of the college they desire to enter. Most medical schools require at least four years of college. Students may, under certain conditions, enter professional schools of medicine or dentistry after completion of three years of undergraduate work and receive a baccalaureate degree by substituting the first year of professional study for the senior year of undergraduate work. (See “Joint Health Professions Programs.”)
Veterinary Medicine
The New York State requirement is two years of college work - a minimum of 60 credit hours - which must include six hours in English, eight hours in physics and zoology, and 18 hours of chemistry, part of which must be organic chemistry. Because admission requirements are not identical for all schools of veterinary medicine, students should consider the distribution of credits in the courses recommended by the veterinary schools to which they will apply.
This area does not require pre-professional college work. Candidates are admitted upon completion of four years of high school. It is possible, however, for students to complete their first year at Utica University for transfer credit. They should obtain the approval of the pharmacy school for their freshman program.
Optometry, Osteopathic Medicine, Podiatry, Chiropractic
Requirements are similar to those for medicine and dentistry. See the Advisory Committee for the Health Professions by inquiring through the School of Arts and Sciences.
Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)
The Reserve Officer Training Corps program of the United States Army is available to Utica University students in on-ground programs. The program is designed to produce junior officers (second lieutenants). Programs of study vary from one to four years in length all leading to a commission. Both programs also provide generous scholarship opportunities to finance undergraduate or graduate degrees.
The Army ROTC program is hosted by Syracuse University but offers all of its courses on the Utica University campus. Interested students are invited to visit the ROTC office, located in Strebel Student Center, or to call (315) 792-5282. Students may also call the ROTC office on the SU campus at (315) 443-1752, or visit the website at sumweb.syr.edu/armyrotc/. Course descriptions can be found under Military Science in the Course Instruction section of this catalog.
The ROTC program is facilitated through a college elective known as Military Science. Not all students taking Military Science are necessarily enrolled in ROTC nor will they receive a commission. The Army ROTC curriculum is a program of leadership development and instruction leading to a commission as a second lieutenant in the United States Army, the Army Reserve, or the Army National Guard. The program consists of a Basic Course (freshman and sophomore years), the Advanced Course (junior and senior years), and a five-week National Advanced Leadership Camp between the junior and senior years. Participation in the Basic Course requires no military obligation unless a student is under a scholarship contract. Participation in the Advanced Course requires successful completion of the Basic Course or validation thereof by other means such as veteran status. All Advanced Course or contracted students receive a monthly stipend and are under obligation to complete the program, accept a commission, and serve as a commissioned officer.
Air Force
The Air Force ROTC program is available at Syracuse University. The traditional program consists of four years of academic and leadership courses, beginning in the freshman year. These courses are all taught at Syracuse University, and the students are required to provide their own travel between Utica and Syracuse to attend classes. During the summer between the sophomore and junior year, students are required to attend Field Training, a four-week military encampment that must be successfully completed to continue in Air Force ROTC. Other programs, such as free-fall and soaring (conducted at the Air Force Academy), combat survival school, and jump school, are also available during the summer months and are all voluntary. While the four-year program is traditional, arrangements can be made for sophomores and juniors who wish to join Air Force ROTC and seek a commission in the Air Force.
Any student at Utica University is eligible to participate in Air Force ROTC at Syracuse University. There is no charge for enrollment, and all uniforms and textbooks are provided to the student at no cost. To successfully complete the program and be commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Air Force, cadets must meet all academic, medical, and physical standards, and meet the degree requirements of Utica University. High school students applying for Air Force ROTC scholarships are eligible for four-year, full tuition scholarships, which also covers $750 for books and provides up to a $500 per month stipend. Any Utica University freshman or sophomore who joins and participates in Air Force ROTC is eligible to compete for a scholarship that will pay up to $15,000 per year toward tuition, cover $750 for books, and provide up to a $500 per month stipend during the school year.
Career opportunities in the Air Force include pilot, navigator, air traffic control, aircraft maintenance, nursing, communications and electronics, computer science, space and missile operations, civil, mechanical, aerospace, and electrical engineering, logistics, personnel, finance, contracting, and security police. Opportunities also exist for lawyers, doctors, and numerous other specialties. Service obligations are 10 years for pilots, eight years for navigators, and four years for all others, upon commissioning. Interested students should call (315) 443-2461, e-mail afdet535@syr.edu, or visit http://afrotc.syr.edu for more information.
Refund Policy
Unofficial Withdrawals (non-attendance)
Any student who stops attending his or her classes during the semester without officially withdrawing from the University is considered an unofficial withdrawal. The University is required to return unearned financial aid to the federal government for all unofficial withdrawals in the same manner as students who withdraw officially.
Return to Title IV Federal Refund Policy
This policy is for all students receiving Federal and institutional aid who completely withdraw from classes or students who unofficially withdraw by ceasing to attend classes.
Federal financial aid (Title IV funds) is awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded. When a student withdraws or stops attending all of his or her classes before completing more than 60% of the enrollment period, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of federal financial aid the student was originally awarded.
A student who withdraws or stops attending a class that only meets for part of the term and who is not attending another class at that time may provide a written statement to the college indicating their intent to attend the future class within that term. If the student does not submit the statement or submits the statement and doesn’t actually attend, the student is considered a withdrawal and a Return to Title IV calculation must be completed.
A student’s federal aid must be recalculated based on the number of days the student attended classes. This return calculation is not the same as the University’s tuition refund policy.
A simple equation to explain the process is:
(% of term completed) x (total aid awarded) = earned aid
(Total aid awarded) - (earned aid) = unearned aid to be returned to the federal government
The University is required to return unearned financial aid to the Federal government for all withdrawals.
If there are any outstanding financial obligations to the University a hold will be placed on your student account and it will prevent all requests for transcripts, registration, and graduation.
If you are considering dropping or withdrawing from your courses, please contact the Office of Student Financial Services immediately regarding the financial implications of this decision.
Withdrawals are processed as soon as possible, but no later than 45 days after the school determined that the student withdrew.
Financial Aid funds are returned to the Federal Department of Education in the following order:
Unsubsidized Direct Loans (other than Direct PLUS Loans)
Subsidized Direct Loans
Direct PLUS Loans
Federal Pell Grants for which a return of Title IV funds is required
FSEOG for which a return of Title IV funds is required
If a student is subject to an overaward of Feredal financial aid funds they will only become overpayments if Utica University cannot correct them before funds are disbursed to a student. An overpayment exists when some or all of the funds that make up an overaward have been disbursed to the student.
If a student is responsible for repaying the overpayment and the student withdrew after the 60% point in the payment period or period of attendance, as applicable, Utica University will attempt to collect the overpayment from the student by issuing a student bill for immediate payment. If the College is unable to collect the over-award from the student, the student will be reported to the Department’s Default Resolution Group for future collection actions.
Return to Title IV Federal Refund Policy for Programs Offered in Modules
A program is considered to be offered in modules if a course or courses in the program do not span the entire length of the payment period or period of enrollment. For example, for online programs at Utica, each semester is 16 weeks, but each course is only 8 weeks. This means that our online programs are considered modular programs.
As defined in the October, 29, 2010 final regulations, for all programs offered in modules a student is a withdrawal for Title IV purposes if the student ceases attendance at any point prior to completing the payment period or period of enrollment unless the institution has written confirmation from the student that they will attend a module that begins later in the same enrollment period.
The regulations require the institution to determine whether Title IV funds must be returned based on the number of days completed versus the number of days the student was scheduled to attend in the payment period. The new regulations prevent students from enrolling in modules spanning the period, completing a portion of the period, and retaining all aid for the period.
Schools can determine whether a student enrolled in a series of modules is a withdrawal by asking the following questions:
After beginning attendance in the payment period or period of enrollment, did the student ceased to attend, or fail to begin attendance in a course s/he was scheduled to attend?
If the answer is NO, this is not a withdrawal.
If the answer is YES, go to question 2.
When the student ceased to attend or failed to begin attendance in a course s/he was scheduled to attend, was the student still attending any other courses?
If the answer is YES, this is not a withdrawal; however other regulatory provisions concerning recalculation may apply.
If the answer is NO, go to question 3.
Did the Student confirm attendance in a course in a module beginning later in the period (for non-term and nonstandard term programs, this must be no later than 45 calendar days after the end of the module the student ceased attending)?
If the answer is YES, this is not a withdrawal, unless the student does not return.
If the answer is NO, this is a withdrawal, and the Return to Title IV Funds requirements apply.
For complete information about how unofficial withdrawals are processed, please contact Student Financial Services (315-792-3179).
Medical Leave
An undergraduate student is not eligible to apply for a leave of absence unless it is for medical reasons.
The purpose of medical leave of absence is twofold:
- To maintain your health coverage if you are insured by a parent and need to maintain your health insurance coverage.
- To keep your student loans in deferment during an illness.
To apply for a Medical Leave of Absence (students must apply for each semester in which a MLOA is required and must submit the proper forms before the end of the add/drop period for that semester):
- Download and complete the Medical Leave of Absence form from the Registrar’s website at http://zu7b.zlmmc8.com/academic/registrar/MLOA.pdf. Submit the form to the Office of the Registrar.
- Submit supporting documentation from your healthcare provider. The supporting documentation from your healthcare provider must include:
- a basis for the medical leave
- an appropriate duration of the leave.
It is not necessary for a student to apply for a MLOA if he or she has a registration record for that semester. A grade of WD counts as a registration record. An MLOA is inappropriate for a student who draws from all classes after the start of a semester and gets WD grades since an MLOA presupposes no registration at all for a term. Since, in such cases, the student has maintained continuous enrollment by having a registration record, he or she is eligible to register the following semester and will suffer no adverse effects due to the fact that he or she was not eligible to apply formally for an MLOA.
Confidentiality of Medical Information
Information provided to the College as part of a MLOA will be considered confidential and will be released only in the circumstances described by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Taking Military-Related Leave
If you will be leaving for military duty, or are returning from an assignment, please contact Utica University’s Veterans Liaison, Mr. Richard Racioppa, Dean of Students, (315) 792-3100.
Policy For Military-Related Withdrawal:
- You will need your official orders for military duty sent to the Utica University Registrar’s Office.
- There will be no academic penalty for withdrawing from your courses provided that you - (a) notify each of your instructors of your leave within reasonable timeframes, (b) work out arrangements with your instructors to complete assignments, and (c) mutually agree on a course completion plan.
Note - Instructors MUST be given adequate communication regarding your leave, and are required only to give you reasonable accommodation for your military leave. Reasonable accommodation is determined by your instructor. If you feel reasonable accommodations are not being made, please notify Mr. Racioppa, and provide written proof of your case.
There will be no financial penalties for withdrawing from your courses provided that you: (a) notify the Office of Student Financial Services of your leave, and (b) speak personally to your financial aid counselor.
Schedule Changes
Any change in schedule must be processed by the Office of the Registrar to become effective. Failure to do so will result in a grade of F for the course.
Please consult the Registrar’s web page (http://zu7b.zlmmc8.com/academic/registrar/withdraw.cfm) to find appropriate deadlines and forms.
Study at Other Institutions
As an institution of higher learning, Utica University strives to protect the integrity of its degree offerings. Therefore, Utica University students must obtain prior written approval from their advisors, school deans, and the Registrar before taking courses at another institution for credit at Utica University. Approval is not usually granted if the same course is offered concurrently at Utica University. Students who undertake such study must meet all graduation requirements listed previously.
Students who already have transferred one-half of their credits required for their degree from a two-year college may not return to a two-year college for additional coursework or apply for additional credits through CLEP.
Forms for the purpose of obtaining permission for coursework at other institutions are available at the Office of Student Services, in the Office of the Registrar, online on the Registrar’s Forms Page at http://zu7b.zlmmc8.com/academic/registrar/forms.cfm, and in the school offices. Forms for the purpose of obtaining permission to study abroad are available in the Office of International Education.
Student Classification
To be eligible for class membership, a student must have satisfactorily completed the following minimum credit hours:
Senior |
87 hours |
Junior |
57 hours |
Sophomore |
27 hours |
Second Undergraduate Degrees
Two distinct bachelor’s degree programs may be pursued simultaneously. The programs may be in the same school or two different schools; must lead to two different career objectives; and must have two distinct degree titles (B.A./B.S.). In such cases, two degrees will be conferred, and two diplomas awarded. Combined degree programs will require the completion of 30 credits beyond the usual requirements for one degree (typically 120 or128). The minimum total credits required in combined degree programs are 150.
Students may also matriculate for a second bachelor’s degree subsequent to the completion of a first bachelor’s degree. The requirements outlined above will apply. A minimum of 30 credits beyond the first degree must be completed, and students must also complete all major and major-related work for the new degree. Second-degree candidates are exempt from Components One and Two of Core. To meet the requirements for Component Three, Writing-intensive Courses, second-degree candidates must take one writing-intensive course at Utica University, unless their first degree is from Utica University with this requirement already fulfilled.
If a student does not meet the New York State Education Department’s mandated liberal arts requirement by virtue of a combination of courses taken as a part of the first bachelor’s degree, transferred in to Utica University, or taken at Utica University, the student must complete enough liberal arts courses at Utica University to satisfy the New York State requirements. There is no waiver of the liberal arts requirements for a second degree.
Summary dismissal of a student is an exceptional step that may be taken by the College in response to student conduct in an academic setting that puts students, faculty, staff or a program at risk; that seriously undermines the integrity of the academic mission; or that places the College in legal jeopardy.
Summary dismissals are issued by the Office of Academic Affairs after review of the relevant student conduct and are effective immediately. Dismissed students receive an official communication outlining the justification for the dismissal and may appeal their dismissal to the Provost.
Summer Institute
Summer Institute is a five-week summer enrichment program designed to assist incoming pre-freshman enrolled in HEOP and CSTEP in making the transition from high school to college. It offers a complement of support services, academic credit courses and skills workshops developed specifically to enhance first-year students’ personal, social and academic development in preparation for college success.
For additional information, contact the Office of Opportunity Programs or the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
Topics Courses
Courses in specialized areas of interest are listed in the “Courses of Instruction” section of the catalog under such rubrics as “Topics in … ,” “Advanced Study in…,” “Special Topics in…,” “Studies in…,” or “Mini-courses.” These courses are usually numbered 200, 300, or 400 to reflect the course’s level and its position in the curriculum. Topics courses are offered for variable credit (usually one to six credit hours) and may be repeated, provided the subjects are not the same. Other qualifications, criteria, limits, and descriptions may be added by the discipline in which the course is being offered.
Tutorial Study
Courses that are listed in the catalog, but that are not offered regularly may be taken on a tutorial basis under extraordinary circumstances, and are designated by the word “Tutorial” in the course title when appearing on a student’s transcript.
Information on registration procedures for courses students need to take on a tutorial basis is available in the appropriate department or school office or from the Office of the Registrar. The forms are also available on the Registrar’s Forms Page at http://zu7b.zlmmc8.com/academic/registrar/forms.cfm.
Withdrawing from a Class or from the College
There are multiple parts of a term in every semester, and there are three distinct date ranges for each part of the term:
- The add/drop period - dropping a class during this period will result in the complete removal of the course from your record.
- The withdraw period - withdrawing from a class during this period will result in a grade of WD on your transcript. This grade will not affect your GPA. On the “deadlines” page, this date is noted as “Last day to WD without academic penalty.”
- The withdraw/fail period - withdrawing from a class during this period will result in a grade of WF on your transcript. This grade calculates as an F in your GPA. On the “deadlines” page, this period begins after the “Last day to WD without academic penalty.”
The deadlines for add/drop, withdraw, and withdraw-fail are all posted online: http://zu7b.zlmmc8.com/directory/registrar/academic-calendar-and-deadlines
Courses that run for part of the term have different add/drop/withdraw schedules from those that run the entire term. Please carefully review the academic deadline schedule (zu7b.zlmmc8.com/academic/calendar.cfm) for the deadlines to add and drop these courses.
You can find the procedures for the withdrawal process on the Registrar’s web page at zu7b.zlmmc8.com/academic/registrar/withdraw.cfm.
Note that withdrawing from a class may affect your financial aid. Withdrawals count as hours attempted and will affect the pace component of SAP. A “W” counts towards pace, and a “WF” counts towards pace and GPA. You should consult with Student Financial Services before withdrawing.
Federal regulations require that a student must progress through his or her program at a pace that will ensure graduation within the maximum timeframe. Progress is measured for students cumulatively. In order to graduate within the maximum timeframe, a student must earn at least 67 percent of their attempted credits.
Waived Courses
Under certain circumstances, a required course may be waived, meaning that the student does not have to take that course. A waived course implies that a student has sufficient knowledge in that particular area. However, no credits are awarded for waived courses, and the total credit hour requirement for the degree still needs to be met. Course credit is only granted through completion or transfer of a course (see Transfer Credit). Students who have had a course waived should consult with their advisor to identify a sequence of courses that will ensure they will have the necessary credits to graduate.
Washington Internships
Utica University is an affiliate of The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars, a nonprofit educational institution that provides comprehensive learning opportunities in the nation’s capital for students from 750 colleges and universities. The program is offered for a full semester or over the summer and includes internship placement, supervision, programming, and evaluation; housing and student life activities; and participation in a weekly academic seminar.
All on-ground students (in any major field) may apply. ABSN students are not eligible. Students in online programs need to consult the major advisor to see if they are eligible to participate. Minimum requirements include a completed application form, a 2.5 GPA, completion of at least 45 credit hours, two appropriate letters of recommendation, a résumé, and an essay that articulates a statement of goals. You will also need to consult with your advisor and ensure you have a faculty member in your field who will be responsible for coordinating your internship and credits through Utica University. For more information, contact Luke Perry, Chair and Associate Professor of Government, 223-2567.
Young Scholars Liberty Partnerships Program
The Young Scholars Liberty Partnerships Program (YSLPP) is a collaborative project launched in 1993 between Utica University and the Utica City School District. This nationally recognized multi-year program for young people is designed to produce more college-bound students from the ranks of traditionally underrepresented populations in the Utica City School District. It was created to provide support services aimed at raising student expectations and performance and extending them access to higher education.
Participating students have been very successful in meeting certain academic goals through their middle school and high school years. The YSLPP will help them meet those goals by offering year-round educational opportunities and individual support through a structured program of counseling and encouragement to help them work to their full potential. The program is designed to provide a balance between academic and personal or social growth, offering activities and programs to further the development of self. During the summer more than 200 Young Scholars are on campus for summer programs that range from math and science enrichment and/or remediation to individual tutoring for Regents test preparation. Parents or guardians are asked to take part in appropriate activities and to provide ongoing support and encouragement to participating students.
Among the many benefits of the YSLPP are those affecting the Utica University community. Utica University students enhance their education by performing worthwhile community service, and many students earn valuable experience tutoring in the local schools and planning and participating in on-campus YSLPP experiences.